10 Lyme Disease Rash Pictures

lyme disease rash pictures

Lyme Disease Rash Pictures

Hello, in this blog post you will see Lyme Disease Rash Pictures. Both before and after lyme disease pictures can be found here. You will get information about what causes lyme disease rashes, its symptoms, its treatment, its stages, etc. The photos provided here are for educational purposes only.

lyme disease bullseye photo
lyme disease rash pictures
ticks that carry lyme disease picture
lyme disease rash pictures
lyme disease pictures
lyme disease rash pictures
ticks that carry lyme disease picture
early stage lyme disease rash pictures
lyme disease pictures
lyme disease bullseye photo

What is Lyme Disease Rash ?

Lyme disease rash is a skin reaction that happens sometimes after you get bitten by a tick carrying Lyme disease. It’s looks like a bullseye with a red center and a clear or reddish ring around it. But not all Lyme rashes look like that. They can be solid red, oval-shaped, or even have multiple rings. This rash is usually not itchy or painful. It might feel warm to the touch though. This rash will slowly grow bigger over days or even weeks. That’s why pictures are so helpful. By seeing different rashes photos, you’ll get a better idea of what to look for.

Causes Of Lyme Disease Rash Pictures

The main cause of Lyme disease rash is the bacteria transmitted by an infected tick. Go through following break down

  1. Tick Bite: The culprit behind the rash is a tick infected with the bacteria Borrelia burgdorferi. These ticks are often found in wooded areas and can latch onto your skin.
  2. Bacterial Invasion: When an this tick bites you, the bacteria enter in your blood stream.
  3. Reaction: The bacteria then go to the site of the bite and triggers an immune response in your body. This reaction causes inflammation in the skin, leading to the rash.
  4. Rash growth: The specific appearance i.e.bullseye of the rash depends on how your body reacts to the this bacteria.

Symptoms Of Lyme Disease Rash

The most common symptom of Lyme disease rash is the bulls eye rash. Other common symptoms are as follows

  1. This rash starts small and slowly gets bigger as time passes, sometimes reaching over 12 inches wide.
  2. As shown above images, this rash looks like a red bulls eye with a clear center, but it can also be just a round red patch.
  3. These rashes isn’t itchy or painful. It might feel a bit warmer than your surrounding skin. In some cases, the center clears up as the outer ring expands.
  4. These rashes can also be oval, round, or irregular.
  5. Not everyone with Lyme disease gets this rash, other things can cause bull’s-eye rashes too.


I hope this blog has given you all the information you needed to understand lyme disease rash pictures. Our primary goal is to offer a trustworthy resource for information on a range of illnesses, including their signs, causes, and treatments. Getting a diagnosis and consulting with a physician are essential if you have above lyme disease symptoms. Help someone who is recovering from lyme disease by forwarding this blog to them. In the event that you become ill, please see the closest physician right away.