Hypophosphatasia : Definition, Symptoms, Causes, Life expectancy, Treatment


What is Hypophosphatasia

Hypophosphatasia or hpp disease is a group of genetic diseases that affect how your bones and teeth grow. It’s caused by a problem with a gene that helps your body build strong bones and teeth. When this gene doesn’t work properly, your bones and teeth can’t get the minerals they need to stay strong. This can lead to problems like weak bones, soft teeth, and bone pain.

Hypophosphatasia Symptoms

hpp symptoms vary depending on severity and age of onset.

In infants, early signs include breathing difficulties, leg deformities, and delayed motor skills. Children might experience bone pain, fractures, and dental issues.

Hypophosphatasia in adults often witness chronic pain, fatigue, muscle weakness, and increased fracture risk.

Hypophosphatasia Symptoms

Causes Of Hypophosphatasia

Mutations in the ALPL gene are the root cause of HPP. These mutations can be inherited in different ways:

  • Autosomal recessive: When both parents carry a mutated gene, there’s a 25% chance of a child inheriting HPP.
  • Autosomal dominant: Only one parent needs a mutated gene for a 50% chance of transmission.
  • X-linked dominant: Affects primarily females due to their X chromosomes.

Treatment Options

There isn’t a cure for HPP, but there are a number of hypophosphatasia treatments that can help control symptoms and enhance quality of life. These include:

  1. Enzyme replacement therapy (ERT): Replaces the missing TNAP enzyme with a synthetic version, significantly improving bone health in certain HPP types.
  2. Bisphosphonates: Medications that strengthen bones by reducing bone breakdown.
  3. Vitamin D and calcium supplements: To optimize mineral levels.
  4. Physical therapy: To improve muscle strength and mobility.
  5. Dental care: Specialized care to manage tooth problems.

Hypophosphatasia Teeth

One of the biggest challenges for those with HPP is dental concerns. They frequently have abnormal jaw development, enamel flaws, delayed tooth eruption, and early tooth loss. Maintaining oral health and function requires specialized care and early dental intervention.

Hypophosphatasia Fatigue

Patients with hpp bone disease frequently complain of chronic exhaustion, which is frequently brought on by the illness’s effects on muscle weakness, discomfort, and sleep patterns. Everyday living can be greatly impacted by fatigue, which must be effectively managed using a variety of techniques.

Hypophosphatasia life expectancy

The severity of the condition and the availability of appropriate therapy have a significant impact on the life expectancy of people with HPP. An early diagnosis combined with good care can prolong life by a large margin. However, in extreme situations, problems like respiratory failure might reduce hypophosphatasia life expectancy adults.


We hope, this information will help you in knowing what is hpp diseasehypophosphatasia in adults, hypophosphatasia treatmenthypophosphatasia diagnosis, symptoms.

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